Statement on the Capture of Nan Fei Lee by Thai Police

News reported on November 20th that on November 18th, Nan Fei Lee posted on Twitter saying he was arrested by the Thai police in front of the Chinese Embassy in Bangkok after holding a sign protesting the Chinese government during the APEC meeting hosted by Thailand. The police claimed Lee was illegally smuggled into Thai borders, when in fact he was a refugee under UNHCR protection held asylum in Thailand. He has now been detained at the Bangkok Remand Prison for 6 days. Lee’s sign reads, “His Majesty Emperor Xi, get lost and stand down! End China’s autocracy. Return freedom to the people.” 

Initially, Lee contacted the UN officer, but as of now, he has lost contact with the officer for the UN will no longer be able to deter the detention. His last post on Twitter said he would not be able to be contacted again and asked for help from the human rights organization for legal protection. 

Sam Yan Press stands in solidarity with Nan Fei Lee and Chinese dissidents around the world. We condemn the actions of the Thai police and demand that he be released with no delays. We insist that the Thai government persist in the sovereignty and self-determination of Thailand and resist political interference from the Chinese regime’s power. 

Sam Yan Press Board of Editors
21 November 2022